Invalid top-level LOD dimension found in expression


The error results from top-level aggregation containing dimensions not used in a chart.

For instance, a chart grouped by [Region] and [Category] cannot include the following metric:

AVG([Sales] INCLUDE [City])

The error in this case occurs because the [City] measurement (added to the grouping using INCLUDE) is not used in the chart.

To correct the error, change the expression for the top-level aggregation only to contain dimensions used in the chart. For example:

AVG(AVG([Sales] INCLUDE [City]))

This will cause top-level aggregation to be calculated with grouping by the [Region] and [Category] chart dimensions while nested aggregation will use the [Region], [Category], and [City] dimensions (grouping by [City] is added to the nested function using INCLUDE).

The dimension to group by is specified inside the aggregation function using keywords, for example:

  • AVG(SUM([orders]) INCLUDE [date]): In this record, grouping by [date] is added to top-level aggregation (the INCLUDE keyword applies to the AVG function).
  • AVG(SUM([orders] INCLUDE [date])): In this record, grouping by [date] is added to the nested aggregation (the INCLUDE keyword applies to the SUM function).

For more information about using LOD expressions, see LOD expressions and filtering in aggregate functions.