LOD expressions and filtering in aggregate functions

By default, in DataLens, aggregate functions are calculated with grouping by the dimensions involved in the chart building (i.e., located in one of the chart sections). You can change the grouping for an aggregate function if you specify the level of detail. By managing it, you can add or exclude dimensions from grouping and use nested aggregations. For more information about data aggregation and grouping in DataLens, see Aggregations in DataLens.

Grouping in LOD expressions

To specify the level of detail in LOD expressions, you will need to use the following keywords (see also Syntax):

Keywords override the grouping set in the chart when calculating a specific aggregate function.


You can use dimensions in LOD expressions whether they are used in the chart or not. However, the top-level aggregation should only contain dimensions that are used in the chart (i.e., located in one of its sections).


The FIXED keyword allows you to group data by explicitly listed dimensions. If you use FIXED without a list of dimensions, all data is aggregated into a single group.

Example 1

In a chart grouped by the Region and Category dimensions, we need to calculate the share of each category in the region from the total sales amount (% of Total).

Let's create the SUM([Sales]) / SUM([Sales] FIXED) measure, where:

  • SUM([Sales]): Sales amount per category in the city (calculated with the default grouping in the chart).
  • SUM([Sales] FIXED): Total sales amount (calculated with grouping without dimensions).

For example, for the Table chart, the result will be as follows:


Example 2

For each category in the same chart, we will calculate the deviation of the average sales amount in the region from that in all regions (+/- avgSales).

Let's create the AVG([Sales]) - AVG([Sales] FIXED [Category]) measure, where:

  • AVG([Sales]): Average sales amount by category in the region (calculated with the default grouping in the chart, by the [Region] and [Category] dimensions).
  • AVG([Sales] FIXED [Category]): Average sales amount by category in all regions (calculated with a grouping by the [Category] dimension).

For example, for the Table chart, the result will be as follows:



The INCLUDE keyword allows adding specified dimensions to the chart grouping. As a result, the level of detail will be greater when calculating the aggregate function.
Expressions with INCLUDE can be useful if you need to calculate a measure with a higher level of detail and display it at a less detailed level in the chart. For example, you can calculate the sales amount per day and then average it.

If used with an empty list of dimensions, INCLUDE results in the same grouping as in the chart.

Example 1

Let's calculate the maximum number of orders by region per date. We will use nested aggregation: first, we will count the number of orders per date, and then select the maximum value. The formula for the measure is MAX(COUNTD([Order ID] INCLUDE [Region])).


In this example, the [Region] dimension, which is missing in the chart, is added at the nested level. Thus, the top-level aggregation will be calculated with grouping by the [Order Date] dimension used in the chart, and the nested aggregation will use grouping by the [Order Date] and [Region] dimensions.

For example, in the Line chart, the result will be as follows:


The chart uses only one dimension, [Order Date]. In this case, the number of orders is calculated with a grouping by date and region, because the [Region] dimension is added to the grouping for the COUNTD function.

Example 2

Let's calculate the number of customers with an average purchase amount over 1,000 for each subcategory of goods. To do this, we will create a measure using the COUNTD_IF function. The formula for the measure is COUNTD_IF(ANY([Customer ID] INCLUDE [Customer ID]), AVG([Sales] INCLUDE [Customer ID]) > 1000), where:

  • ANY([Customer ID] INCLUDE [Customer ID]): [Customer ID] dimension is converted into the measure using the ANY function.
  • AVG([Sales] INCLUDE [Customer ID]) > 1000: Average purchase amount is compared with the specified value.

For example, in the Column chart, the result will be as follows:


Any aggregation with INCLUDE can be replaced by an aggregation with FIXED. For example, in a chart grouped by the Region and Category dimensions, the SUM(SUM([Sales] INCLUDE [City])) measure will be similar to the SUM(SUM([Sales] FIXED [Region],[Category],[City])) measure.


The EXCLUDE keyword allows excluding the specified dimensions from the chart grouping. As a result, the value of the aggregate function is calculated with grouping by all dimensions of the chart, except those listed.

For example, EXCLUDE expressions can be used to calculate the percentage of the total number or the difference from the total average.

If used with an empty list of dimensions, EXCLUDE results in the same grouping as in the chart.

Example 1

Let's calculate the sales amount in the regions by delivery type. To do this, we will set the chart grouping by the [Region] and [Ship Mode] dimensions. To show the total amount for all delivery types, we will add the following measure to the Signatures section: IF([Ship Mode]="First Class", SUM([Sales] EXCLUDE [Ship Mode]), NULL). With EXCLUDE, the [Ship Mode] dimension is excluded from the grouping when calculating this measure, so the total amount for all delivery types is calculated.

For example, in the Bar chart, the result will be as follows:


Example 2

Let's calculate the average daily sales amount by month. To do this, we will add a grouping by month to the chart: for the [Order Date] field in the Grouping setting, let's choose RoundingMonth (for more information, see Field settings). Let's create the measure with the AVG(SUM([Sales] FIXED [Order Date]) EXCLUDE [Order Date]) formula, where:

  • SUM([Sales] FIXED [Order Date]): Total sales of all orders per day.
  • AVG(SUM([Sales] FIXED [Order Date]) EXCLUDE [Order Date]): [Order Date] measure is excluded from the grouping so that the average daily sales amount is calculated with a grouping by month (set in the chart).

For example, in the Bar chart, the result will be as follows:


Any aggregation with EXCLUDE can be replaced by an aggregation with FIXED. For example, in a chart grouped by the Region and Category dimensions, the SUM([Sales] EXCLUDE [Category]) measure will be similar to the SUM(SUM([Sales] FIXED [Region]) measure.


The BEFORE FILTER BY section in LOD expressions has the same meaning as in window functions: the aggregate function is calculated before filtering by the specified fields.


Let's compare the measures of average daily sales per month for a certain year with those for the entire period. First, we will add two new dimensions to the chart, the month and the year of the order:

  • Month: MONTH([Order Date])
  • Year: YEAR([Order Date])

To calculate the sales amount, we will create two measures:

  • AvgDaySales: AVG(SUM([Sales] FIXED [Order Date]) EXCLUDE [Order Date] BEFORE FILTER BY [Year])
  • AvgDaySales by year: AVG(SUM([Sales] FIXED [Order Date]) EXCLUDE [Order Date])

Let's add the Year dimension to the Filters section and set it to, e.g., 2017. As a result, the AvgDaySales measure will be calculated before filtering by year is applied to the chart, and we will get the average daily sales amount per month for the entire period. The AvgDaySales by year measure will be calculated after applying filtering by year and we will obtain the average daily sales amount per month for the year we picked (2017).

For example, in the Line chart, the result will be as follows:


Common features with window functions

In some cases, LOD expressions can be used as an alternative to window functions.

For example, a FIXED expression with a list of dimensions can be used similarly to a window function with the WITHIN grouping, while an EXCLUDE expression, to a window function with the AMONG grouping.

Example 1

Let's have a look at the chart with calculation of the share of each goods category from the total sales amount per city. The % Total by city window and % Total by city lod measures yield the same result:

  • % Total by city lod: SUM([Sales]) / SUM([Sales] FIXED [City])
  • % Total by city window: SUM([Sales]) / SUM(SUM([Sales]) WITHIN [City])

In some cases, FIXED with an empty list of dimensions gives the same result as a window function with the TOTAL grouping (which, in its turn, is a synonym of WITHIN with an empty list).

Example 2

Let's have a look at the chart with calculation of the share of each goods category from the total sales amount in all cities. The % Total window and % Total lod measures yield the same result:

  • % Total lod: SUM([Sales]) / SUM([Sales] FIXED)
  • % Total window: SUM([Sales]) / SUM(SUM([Sales]) TOTAL)

For INCLUDE, there is no equivalent in window functions as you cannot add new dimensions there.


Certain limitations apply when it comes to the level of detail in LOD expressions:

  1. Top-level aggregations cannot contain dimensions that are not used in the chart. Thus, you cannot use top-level aggregations with non-empty INCLUDE expressions or with FIXED ones containing dimensions that are not used in the chart.


    In a chart grouped by [Region] and [Category] dimensions, let's create a measure to calculate the average sales amount per city:

    AVG(AVG([Sales] INCLUDE [City]))

    In this case, the nested aggregation will be grouped by dimensions inherited from the top-level aggregation ([Region] and [Category]) and the [City] dimension added to the grouping using INCLUDE. As a result, at the top level, the aggregation will be calculated with grouping by the [Region] and [Category] chart dimensions, while the nested aggregation, by the [Region], [Category], and [City] dimensions.

    AVG([Sales] INCLUDE [City])

    When calculating this measure, grouping at the top level is performed by the [Region], [Category], and [City] dimensions. The error in this case occurs because the [City] dimension, which is added to the grouping using INCLUDE, is not used in the chart.

  2. Aggregations that are at the same nesting level cannot have different dimensions. At least one of the nested aggregations must contain all dimensions that are in other nested aggregations.


    In a chart grouped by [Region] and [Category] dimensions, let's create a measure to calculate the city with the maximum average daily sales amount:

         ANY([City] INCLUDE [City]),
         AVG([Sales] INCLUDE [City],[Order Date])

    The ANY([City] INCLUDE [City]) and AVG([Sales] INCLUDE [City],[Order Date]) aggregations are at the same nesting level (inside ARG_MAX). The second aggregation contains all dimensions by which the first aggregation is grouped.

         ANY([City] INCLUDE [City]),
         AVG([Sales] INCLUDE [Order Date])

    The ANY([City] INCLUDE [City]) and AVG([Sales] INCLUDE [Order Date]) aggregations are at the same nesting level (inside ARG_MAX). The first aggregation has the [City] dimension, the second one, [Order Date]. At the same time, there is no other aggregation that has both dimensions.

  3. You cannot use aggregations with a certain level of detail and the AGO and AT_DATE functions in the same query (in the same chart or in the dataset preview), even if they are in different fields.