Tree chart

A tree chart displays hierarchy data as a set of nested rectangles. Each hierarchy level corresponds to a dimension and is shown as a colored rectangle with nested rectangles. The size of each rectangle depends on the measure value: the higher the value, the larger the size. A chart does not take up much space on a dashboard, even if it contains a lot of data.

For example, you can use a tree chart to visualize sales by product category and subcategory.


Source table
Category Subcategory Sales
Home appliances Kitchenware 15000000
Home appliances Beauty and health products 17000000
Household goods Kitchen products 12000000
Household goods Essential goods 8000000
Household cleaners Detergents 4100000
Household cleaners Cleaners 3300000

Wizard sections

Dimensions Dimensions. Determines the hierarchy tree of nested rectangles.
Size Measure. One measure that determines the area of a rectangle.
Colors Dimension or measure. Affects the shading of rectangles in a chart.
Filters Dimension or measure. Used as a filter.

Creating a tree chart

To create a tree chart:


If you use a new DataLens object model with workbooks and collections:

  1. Go to the DataLens home page. In the left-hand panel, select Collections and workbooks.
  2. Open the workbook, click Create in the top-right corner, and select the appropriate object.

Follow the guide from step 4.

  1. Go to the DataLens home page.
  2. In the left-hand panel, select Charts.
  3. Click Create chartChart.
  4. At the top left, click Select dataset and specify the dataset to visualize.
  5. Select Tree chart as the chart type.
  6. Drag one or more dimensions from the dataset to the Dimensions section.
  7. Drag a measure from the dataset to the Size section. The values will be displayed as rectangles. The areas of the rectangles are proportional to the corresponding values of the selected measure.
  8. Drag a measure or dimension from the Dimensions section to the Color section. As a result, the rectangles will be colored depending on the value of the added measure or dimension. A dimension that you can add to the Color section must be from the **Dimensions **section.
  9. Drag a dimension or measure from the dataset to the Filters section. The field can be empty. In this case, no filters are applied.


  • Use this type of chart to show the relationship between a part and a whole.
  • If there are few categories (up to 6), use a pie or donut chart.
  • You cannot display negative values on a tree chart.