Pie chart

This chart shows a proportional relationship of different categories to a total using circle segments (sectors). The entire circle area is 100% and corresponds to the sum of all categories. The area of each segment corresponds to the percentage of a category in the total amount. Pie charts are a good choice for demonstrating proportions of a small number of segments.


Source table
Product categories Sales
Home appliances 69M
Household goods 57M
Household cleaners 44M

Wizard sections

Color Dimension. You can only specify one field here.
Measures Measure. You can only specify one field here.
Sorting Measure or dimension from the Color section. Affects area sorting. The sorting direction is marked with an icon next to the field: for ascending or for descending. To change the sorting direction, click the icon.
Labels Measure. Displays measure values on the chart. To add callouts with category names to the chart, drag the Measure Names dimension to this section.
Filters Dimension or measure. Used as a filter.

Creating a pie chart

To create a pie chart:


If you use a new DataLens object model with workbooks and collections:

  1. Go to the DataLens home page. In the left-hand panel, select Collections and workbooks.
  2. Open the workbook, click Create in the top-right corner, and select the appropriate object.

Follow the guide from step 4.

  1. Go to the DataLens home page.
  2. In the left-hand panel, select Charts.
  3. Click Create chartChart.
  4. At the top left, click Select dataset and specify the dataset to visualize.
  5. Select Pie chart as the chart type.
  6. Drag a dimension from the dataset to the Color section.
  7. Drag a measure from the dataset to the Measures section. The values will be displayed as pie chart areas.


  • If there are more than 4-6 segments per chart, group the smallest of them as Other. A larger number of segments overloads a chart and makes it difficult to understand the data.
  • You cannot display negative and null values on this type of chart.
  • Do not use pie charts to show changes to proportions over time or for precisely comparing data by category.