Combined chart

Combined chart is a separate type of visualization consisting of layers. Each layer is represented with its own chart type. You can combine line charts, column charts, and area charts.


  • The X, Sort, and Filters sections are the same for all layers.
  • You can add, delete, reorder and rename layers.
  • Each layer is executed with a separate query in the database.
  • The maximum number of layers is 5.


  • There is no color fill by measure in column charts.
  • In a combined chart, sorting only applies to the layers it is supported for.

A combined chart is often used for plan/actual comparison. You can show the plan as a dashed line on the line chart layer, while presenting the actual values broken down into categories on the column chart layer.


Source table
Year Category Plan Sales
2018 Household cleaners 435.53 449
2018 Household goods null null
2018 Home appliances null null
2019 Household cleaners 503255 512282
2019 Household goods 1457502 1483733
2019 Home appliances 2237228.4 2331805
2020 Household cleaners 1623124 1644668
2020 Household goods 4495448 4535567
2020 Home appliances 6711462.8 7046605
2021 Household cleaners 2686134 2737436
2021 Household goods 7794310 7836228
2021 Home appliances 11329663.6 11910983
2022 Household cleaners 2512031 2652918
2022 Household goods 7013145 7382385
2022 Home appliances 11327092 11461881

It's sometimes convenient to use a combined chart for same-type layers. For example, when one layer represents sales by category and another one shows the plan constant.


You can display additional lines calculated using window functions or LOD functions. For example, to calculate an average by category, use this formula: avg(SUM([Sales] INCLUDE [Category])).


Wizard sections

X Dimension. You can only specify one field here. This dimension is usually a date. If this is the case, make sure to specify the Date data type for this field in the dataset. This is required for correct sorting and signature display. For better visualization, you can group dates into weeks, months, and years. For more information, see Field settings. The X section is common for all layers.
Layer section Allows you to add, delete, reorder, and rename layers. You can select a chart type for a layer: line chart, column chart, or area chart. The list of other sections depends on the layer chart type you select.

Creating a combined chart

To create a combined chart:


If you use a new DataLens object model with workbooks and collections:

  1. Go to the DataLens home page. In the left-hand panel, select Collections and workbooks.
  2. Open the workbook, click Create in the top-right corner, and select the appropriate object.

Follow the guide from step 4.

  1. Go to the DataLens home page.

  2. In the left-hand panel, select Charts.

  3. Click Create chartChart.

  4. At the top left, click Select dataset and specify the dataset to visualize.

  5. Select Combined chart as your chart type.

  6. Drag a dimension from the dataset to the X section. The values will be displayed in the lower part of the chart on the X axis.

  7. Select a layer chart type: line chart , column chart , or area chart . Rename the layer, if required.

  8. Create a chart of the appropriate type:

  9. Add a new layer. To do this, click to the right of the layer name.