Creating an alias

To add an alias for a pair of widgets:

  1. In the left-hand panel, click Dashboards and select the dashboard you need. If you do not have a dashboard, create one.

  2. At the top of the page, click Edit.

  3. To the right of the widget to add a link for, click .

    1. Select a link type in the list for the widget you are going to link.


    2. In the window that opens, for both widgets, select from the list the fields for which you are creating the alias. The fields must be of the same type.


    3. Click .

    4. Click Apply.


      Please note that you cannot create aliases for fields from the same dataset or fields with the same IDs from different datasets.

    5. At the bottom of the Links window, click Apply.

  4. In the top-right corner of the dashboard, click Save.

Example of linking

A chart named tutorial — Line chart is based on the tutorial dataset and a chart named tutorial 2 — Table is based on the tutorial 2 dataset.


1. Let's add a tutorial — Date selector of the Based on datasets type to the dashboard. In the selector parameters, select the tutorial dataset and the Date field. A link between the selector and the tutorial — Line chart chart is established automatically, since they are based on the same dataset.


2. Let's add a tutorial 2 — Manual input selector of the Manual input type to the dashboard. In the selector parameters, select the Calendar element type and the Date field.


3. Let's establish a link between the tutorial 2 — Manual input selector and the tutorial 2 — Table chart using an alias. When creating an alias, select the Date field in the selector and the Date 2 field in the tutorial 2 dataset.


As a result, the tutorial — Date selector filters the tutorial — Line chart chart, and the tutorial 2 — Manual input selector filters the tutorial 2 — Table chart.


4. Let's establish a link between the tutorial 2 — Manual input selector and the tutorial 2 — Line chart chart using an alias. When creating an alias, select the Date field in the selector and the Date field in the tutorial dataset.


Setting a link between the tutorial 2 — Manual input selector and the tutorial — Line chart chart links the tutorial 2 — Manual input and tutorial — Date selectors. This happens because the tutorial — Line chart chart and the tutorial — Date selector are based on the same dataset. As a result, any selector causes the appropriate values to be set automatically in the other selector and both charts' filters. To unlink the selectors, set their link type to Not linked.

When adding an alias, make sure the field the selector uses for filtering is included in the dataset used to build the chart. Otherwise, the link will not work.