Creating a MySQL connection

To create a MySQL connection:

  1. Go to the workbook page or create a new one.

  2. In the top-right corner, click CreateConnection.

  3. Select a MySQL connection.

  4. Specify the connection parameters for the external MySQL database:

    • Hostname. Specify the path to a master host or a MySQL master host IP address. You can specify multiple hosts in a comma-separated list. If you are unable to connect to the first host, DataLens will select the next one from the list.
    • Port. Specify the MySQL connection port. The default port is 3306.
    • Path to database. Specify the name of the database to connect to.
    • Username. Specify the username for the MySQL connection.
    • Password. Enter the password for the user.
    • Cache TTL in seconds. Specify the cache time-to-live or leave the default value. The recommended value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
    • Raw SQL level. Enables you to use an ad-hoc SQL query to generate a dataset.
  5. (Optional) Make sure the connection works properly. To do this, click Check connection.

  6. Click Create connection.

  7. Enter a name for the connection and click Create.

Additional settings

You can limit data export from charts by enabling Disable data export under Advanced connection settings. With this option enabled, the export data button will be hidden in the charts based on this connection. However, you will still be able to copy chart data and take screenshots.