Configuring the navigator


The navigator is available for those charts from the list that have a field of the Date or Date and time type in their X section:

To set up the navigator:

  1. In the left-hand panel, click Charts and select a chart to set up the navigator for.

  2. On the left side of the screen above the chart, click .

  3. In the Chart settings window, enable the Navigator option.

  4. Select the navigator display mode:

    • All lines to display all chart lines in the navigator.
    • Choose lines to display the chosen lines in the navigator.
  5. Specify the Default period. Each time you open the chart, the last period corresponding to this setting is displayed. Set 0 or leave the field empty to display the entire range of values.

  6. Click Apply. The navigator is displayed at the bottom of the chart.

Examples of operations with navigator
