Adding parameters in dashboard chart settings

To set a parameter:

  1. In the left-hand panel, click Dashboards and select the dashboard you need. If you do not have a dashboard, create one.

  2. In the top-right corner, click Edit.

  3. Select a chart for which you want to set a new parameter.

  4. In the top-right corner of the chart, click .

  5. In the window that opens, click Parameters.

  6. Click Add parameter at the bottom of the list.

  7. In the Name column, enter the parameter name (key).

  8. In the Value column, click and set a value for the parameter. You can set multiple values.

  9. Click Save.

  10. In the top-right corner of the dashboard edit window, click Save.

Chart on a dashboard without a parameter

Chart on a dashboard with a parameter

Example of parameters with intervals

Example of adding a parameter with a date interval

To set the date and time interval between 03-08-2018 09:00:00 and 10-08-2018 10:00:00, set the parameter to __interval_2018-08-03T09:00:00_2018-08-10T10:00:00.


Example of adding a parameter with a relative date

To set the date and time interval from the beginning of the last week of 2018 until today, set the parameter to __interval_2018-12-23___relative_+0d.


To build relative statistics from the beginning of the year, change __relative_-0d to __relative_-0y_sy.


Note: If no casting is specified, then for the units of one day and higher, the time is cast to the start of the day, that is, 00:00:00.000, while casting to the current time is used for smaller time units.