Type conversion functions


Syntax:BOOL( expression )

Converts the expression expression to Boolean type according to the following rules:

Fractional number | Integer 0, 0.0 All others
String Empty string ("") All others
Date | Datetime - TRUE


Syntax:DATE( expression [ , timezone ] )

Converts the expression expression to date format.

The date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

If expression is a number, then the timezone option can be used to convert the date to the specified time zone.


Syntax:DATE_PARSE( value )

Converts the value expression to date format. Unlike DATE, it supports multiple formats.


Syntax:DATETIME( expression [ , timezone ] )

Converts the expression expression to date and time format. When converting Date to DateTime, the time is set to '00:00:00'.
The date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss or YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
Numeric values are rendered as time in Unix time format or equal to the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970, less the adjustments for leap seconds.

The date and time can be converted to the specified time zone when the timezone option is available. The timezone parameter must be specified in Region/Data_Zone format.


Syntax:DATETIME_PARSE( value )

Converts the value expression to date and time format. Unlike DATETIME, it supports multiple formats. The expression is processed on the ClickHouse® source side. For more information on the supported formats, see the relevant ClickHouse® documentation.


Syntax:DB_CAST( expression, native_type [ , param_1 [ , param_2 ] ] )

Converts the expression expression to database's native type native_type.

The following type casts are supported:

Data source Data type Native data type Parameters for native type Comment
ClickHouse Date Date
ClickHouse Date Date32
ClickHouse Fractional number Float32
ClickHouse Fractional number Float64
ClickHouse Fractional number Decimal Integer, Integer
ClickHouse Integer Int8
ClickHouse Integer Int16
ClickHouse Integer Int32
ClickHouse Integer Int64
ClickHouse Integer UInt8
ClickHouse Integer UInt16
ClickHouse Integer UInt32
ClickHouse Integer UInt64
ClickHouse String String
PostgreSQL Array of fractional numbers double precision[]
PostgreSQL Array of fractional numbers real[]
PostgreSQL Array of fractional numbers numeric[] Integer, Integer
PostgreSQL Array of integers smallint[]
PostgreSQL Array of integers integer[]
PostgreSQL Array of integers bigint[]
PostgreSQL Array of strings text[]
PostgreSQL Array of strings character varying[]
PostgreSQL Array of strings varchar[]
PostgreSQL Fractional number double precision
PostgreSQL Fractional number real
PostgreSQL Fractional number numeric Integer, Integer
PostgreSQL Integer smallint
PostgreSQL Integer integer
PostgreSQL Integer bigint
PostgreSQL String text
PostgreSQL String character Integer Alias: char
PostgreSQL String character varying Integer Alias: varchar
PostgreSQL String char Integer Alias for character
PostgreSQL String varchar Integer Alias for character varying


Syntax:FLOAT( expression )

Converts the expression expression to fractional number format according to the following rules:

Type Value
Fractional number | Integer Original value.
Date | Datetime Unix time corresponding to the date and time. If the value contains time zone data, it's used in the calculation. If the time zone is unknown, the time is set in UTC.
String A number from a decimal string.
Boolean TRUE1.0, FALSE0.0.


Syntax:GEOPOINT( value_1 [ , value_2 ] )

Generates a Geopoint type value. For the input, it accepts a string, a "geopoint" type value, or coordinates — latitude value_1 and longitude value_2. If a single string is input, it must contain a list of two numbers (latitude and longitude) in JSON syntax.


Syntax:GEOPOLYGON( value )

Converts the value expression to geopolygon format. At input, the function accepts strings in [[[lat_1,lon_1], [lat_2,lon_2], ..., [lat_N-1,lon_N-1], [lat_N,lon_N]]] format.


Syntax:INT( expression )

Converts the expression expression to integer format according to the following rules:

Type Value
Integer Original value.
Fractional number Integer part of the number (rounded down).
Date | Datetime Unix time corresponding to the date and time. If the value contains time zone data, it's used in the calculation. If the time zone is unknown, the time is set in UTC.
String A number from a decimal string.
Boolean TRUE1, FALSE0.


Syntax:STR( expression )

Converts the expression expression to string type.


Syntax:TREE( array )

Converts the array expression to Tree of strings format. Can be used to create tree hierarchies.
