
Modulo (%)

Syntax:number_1 % number_2

Returns the remainder from dividing the first number number_1 by the second number number_2.

Multiplication (*)

Syntax:value_1 * value_2

If both arguments are numbers, it returns the result by multiplying value_1 by value_2.

If one of the arguments is String and the other is Integer, it returns the string repeated the specified number of times.

Addition and concatenation (+)

Syntax:value_1 + value_2

Behaves differently depending on the argument types. Possible options are listed in the table:

Type of value_1 Type of value_2 Return value
Fractional number | Integer Fractional number | Integer The sum of the numbers value_1 and value_2.
Date Fractional number | Integer The date that is value_2 days greater than value_1 (rounded down to an integer number of days).
Datetime Fractional number | Integer The date with time, value_2 days greater than value_1. If value_2 contains a fractional part, it is converted hours (1/24), minutes (1/1440), and seconds (1/86400).
String String The merging (concatenation) of strings value_1 and value_2.
Array of fractional numbers | Array of integers | Array of strings Array of fractional numbers | Array of integers | Array of strings The merging (concatenation) of arrays value_1 and value_2.

Changing the order of arguments does not affect the result.

Subtraction (-)

Syntax:value_1 - value_2

Behaves differently depending on the argument types. Possible options are listed in the table:

Type of value_1 Type of value_2 Return value
Fractional number | Integer Fractional number | Integer The difference between the numbers value_1 and value_2.
Date Fractional number | Integer The date that is value_2 days smaller than value_1 (rounded down to an integer number of days).
Datetime Fractional number | Integer The date with time, value_2 days smaller than value_1. If value_2 contains a fractional part, it is converted to hours (1/24), minutes (1/1440), and seconds (1/86400).
Date Date The difference between two dates in days.
Any Any The difference between two dates in days: the integer part — the number of whole days, the fractional part — the number of hours, minutes and seconds expressed as a fraction of the whole day (1 hour is '1/24').
Datetime Datetime The difference between two dates in days: the integer part — the number of whole days, the fractional part — the number of hours, minutes and seconds expressed as a fraction of the whole day (1 hour is '1/24').

Division (/)

Syntax:number_1 / number_2

Divides the number number_1 by the number number_2.


value_1 = value_2
value_1 != value_2
value_1 < value_2
value_1 <= value_2
value_1 > value_2
value_1 >= value_2

Compares the value value_1 with the value value_2.

Power (^)

Syntax:base ^ power

Raises base to the power of power.


Syntax:value_1 AND value_2

Performs a Boolean join of two expressions with the AND condition.


Syntax:value [ NOT ] BETWEEN low AND high

Returns TRUE if value is in the range from low to high inclusive.

The option value NOT BETWEEN low AND high returns the opposite value.


Syntax:item [ NOT ] IN (<list>)

Checks whether the value matches at least one of the values listed in IN(...).

The option item NOT IN (<list>) returns the opposite value.


Syntax:value IS [ NOT ] FALSE

Checks whether the value value is false (FALSE).

The value IS NOT FALSE option returns the opposite value.


Syntax:value IS [ NOT ] TRUE

Checks whether the value of value is true (TRUE).

The value IS NOT TRUE option returns the opposite value.


Syntax:string_1 [ NOT ] LIKE string_2

Matches the string string_1 to the template string_2 and returns TRUE on match.
You can specify the value in string_2 or use the % character to match a string of any length.

The string_1 NOT LIKE option returns the opposite value.

When comparing values, the function is case-sensitive. You can use LIKE along with UPPER or LOWER for case-insensitive comparison.

Negation (-)


Returns the number value with the opposite sign.


Syntax:NOT value

Inverts a Boolean value.


Syntax:value_1 OR value_2

Performs a Boolean join of two expressions with the OR condition.
