Date/Time functions


Syntax:DATEADD( datetime [ , unit [ , number ] ] )

Returns the date obtained by adding unit in the amount of number to the specified date datetime.

The number argument is an integer. It can be negative.
The unit argument takes the following values:

  • "year";
  • "month";
  • "day";
  • "hour";
  • "minute";
  • "second".


Syntax:DATEPART( datetime, unit [ , firstday ] )

Returns a part of the date as an integer.

Depending on the argument, unit returns the following values:

  • "year" — the year number (see YEAR);
  • "quarter" — the number of the quarter (from 1 to 4) of the year (see QUARTER);
  • "month" — the number of the month in the year (see MONTH);
  • "week" — the number of the week in the year according to ISO 8601 (see WEEK);
  • "dayofweek", "dow" — the number of the day of the week (see DAYOFWEEK);
  • "day" — the number of the day in the month (see DAY);
  • "hour" — the number of the hour in the day (see HOUR);
  • "minute" — the number of the minute in the hour (see MINUTE);
  • "second" — the number of the second in the minute (see SECOND).

If you select "dayofweek", you can use the additional parameter firstday to specify the first day of the week (Monday by default). Learn more about this parameter in the DAYOFWEEK function description.


Syntax:DATETRUNC( datetime, unit [ , number ] )

Rounds datetime down to the given unit. If optional number is given, then the value is rounded down to a number multiple of unit (omitting number is the same as number = 1).

Supported units:

  • "second";
  • "minute";
  • "hour";
  • "day" (acts as the day of the year if number is specified);
  • "week";
  • "month";
  • "quarter";
  • "year".

When using a function with three arguments, it is processed on the ClickHouse® side by the toStartOfInterval function. Rounding is done relative to a specific point in time, as detailed in the table in the function description. For example:

DATETRUNC(#2018-07-12 11:07:13#, "month", 4) = #2018-05-01 00:00:00#

For the unit argument set to month, rounding starts from 1900-01-01. There are 1,422 months between 2018-07-12 and 1900-01-01. Rounding this value to the nearest number divisible by 4 (the number argument), we get 1,420 months. Thus, adding 1,420 months to 1900-01-01 gives us 2018-05-01.


Syntax:DAY( datetime )

Returns the number of the day in the month of the specified date datetime.


Syntax:DAYOFWEEK( datetime [ , firstday ] )

Returns the day of the week according to ISO 8601.

  • Monday — 1.
  • Sunday — 7.

If the additional parameter firstday is specified, this day is considered the first day of the week. Valid values:

  • "Monday", "Mon" — Monday;
  • "Tuesday". "Tue" — Tuesday;
  • "Wednesday", "Wed" — Wednesday;
  • "Thursday", "Thu" — Thursday;
  • "Friday", "Fri" — Friday;
  • "Saturday", "Sat" — Saturday;
  • "Sunday", "Sun" — Sunday.


Syntax:HOUR( datetime )

Returns the number of the hour in the day of the specified date and time datetime. When the date is specified without time, it returns 0.


Syntax:MINUTE( datetime )

Returns the number of the minute in the hour of the specified date datetime. When the date is specified without time, it returns 0.


Syntax:MONTH( datetime )

Returns the number of the month in the year of the specified date datetime.



Returns the current date and time, depending on the data source and connection type.


Syntax:QUARTER( datetime )

Returns the number of the quarter (from 1 to 4) of the year of the specified date datetime.


Syntax:SECOND( datetime )

Returns the number of the second in the minute of the specified date datetime. When the date is specified without time, it returns 0.



Returns the current date, depending on the data source and connection type.


Syntax:WEEK( value )

The number of the week according to ISO 8601. The first week is the week that contains the first Thursday of the year or January 4th.


Syntax:YEAR( datetime )

Returns the year number in the specified date datetime.
