SUM_IF (window)

Function SUM_IF is also found in the following categories: Aggregate functions.


SUM_IF( expression, condition        TOTAL | WITHIN ... | AMONG ...      )

More info:

SUM_IF( expression, condition        TOTAL | WITHIN ... | AMONG ...        [ BEFORE FILTER BY ... ]      )

More info:


Returns the sum of all the expression values that meet the condition condition. Applicable to numeric data types only.

Argument types:

  • expressionFractional number | Integer
  • conditionBoolean

Return type: Same type as (expression)


SUM_IF([Profit], [Category] = 'Office Supplies' TOTAL)
SUM_IF([Profit], [Category] = 'Office Supplies' WITHIN [Date])
SUM_IF([Profit], [Category] = 'Office Supplies' AMONG [Date])

Data source support

ClickHouse 21.8, Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (14.0), MySQL 5.7, Oracle Database 12c (12.1), PostgreSQL 9.3.