
SPLIT( orig_string [ , delimiter [ , part_index ] ] )


It splits orig_string into a sequence of substrings using the delimiter character as separator and returns the substring whose number is equal to the part_index parameter. By default, the delimiting character is comma. If part_index is negative, the substring to return is counted from the end of orig_string. If the number of substrings is less than the part_index absolute value, the function returns an empty string. If part_index was not provided, the function returns an array of the substrings (only for ClickHouse, PostgreSQL sources).

Argument types:

  • orig_stringString
  • delimiterString
  • part_indexInteger

Return type: Depends on argument types


Only constant values are accepted for the arguments (delimiter).


SPLIT("", ".", 1) = "192"
SPLIT("", ".", -1) = "1"
SPLIT("", ".", 5) = ""
SPLIT("", ".") = "['192 ','168 ','0 ','1']"
SPLIT("") = ""
SPLIT("a,b,c,d") = "['a','b','c','d']"

Data source support

ClickHouse 21.8, MySQL 5.7, PostgreSQL 9.3, YDB.
