
IF condition_1    THEN result_1[ ELSEIF condition_2    THEN result_2  ... ]ELSE    default_resultEND
IF(    condition_1, result_1,  [ condition_2, result_2,    ... ]    default_result)


Checks conditional expressions condition_1, result_1, ... and returns the matching result for the first condition found to be TRUE. IF all conditional expressions are FALSE, it returns default_result. The expressions to be checked are set using logical operators.

Argument types:

  • condition_1Any
  • result_1Any
  • condition_2Any
  • result_2Any
  • default_resultAny

Return type: Depends on argument types


IF    [Profit] > 100        THEN "High"    ELSEIF [Profit] > 25        THEN "Medium"    ELSE "Low"END
Example with data table


  • sales: [sales] ;
  • if_function: IF(ZN([sales]) < 100, "Less than 100", [sales] < 1000, "100 - 1000", "1000 and greater") ;
  • if_statement: IF ZN([sales]) < 100 THEN "Less than 100" ELSEIF [sales] < 1000 THEN "100 - 1000" ELSE "1000 and greater" END .
432.40'100 - 1000''100 - 1000'
77.00'Less than 100''Less than 100'
12000.00'1000 and greater''1000 and greater'
NULL'Less than 100''Less than 100'
34.25'Less than 100''Less than 100'
128.00'100 - 1000''100 - 1000'
0.00'Less than 100''Less than 100'
NULL'Less than 100''Less than 100'

Data source support

ClickHouse 21.8, Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (14.0), MySQL 5.7, Oracle Database 12c (12.1), PostgreSQL 9.3, YDB.
