Limits in DataLens

Limits are technical limitations due to DataLens architectural features. The limits cannot be changed.

General limits


DataLens has no limitation on the amount of data on the source you are connecting to.

Type of limit Value
Maximum number of tables in a single dataset 32
Maximum number of fields in a single dataset 1,200

Chart data limits

Charts in DataLens can only display a limited amount of data. If the number of rows (columns and cells for pivot tables) in a dataset exceeds the established limit, the chart will not be built. Therefore, to build a chart from data in a large dataset, select a part of the data to display based on the limits below using the filters:

Chart type Limit
Line chart 75,000 rows
Stacked area chart
Normalized area chart
75,000 rows
Column chart
Normalized column chart
75,000 rows
Bar chart
Normalized bar chart
75,000 rows
Scatter chart 75,000 rows
Pie chart 1,000 rows
Tree chart 1,000 rows
Table 100,000 rows
Pivot table 100,000 cells
Pivot table 800 columns