Chart settings

Charts are configurable. For example, you can choose to display a legend, customize a color scheme, or set your own title.

Available settings depend on the type of chart being configured.

General settings

General settings affect the overall display of charts.
To open general settings, click to the left of the screen above the chart.


The settings specified below may not be available for some chart types.

Name Description
Header Specifies the chart header.

Possible values:
Hide: Hides the header.
Show: Displays the header. You can enter the header text in the text field on the right.
Legend Displays the legend below the chart. The legend contains chart colors with text descriptions referring to the field values in the Colors section.

Possible values:
Hide: Hides the legend.
Auto: Displays the legend if the field is specified in the Colors section.
Sum in tooltips Displays a sum in a tooltip when you hover over the chart display.

Possible values:
On: Displays a sum in a tooltip.
Off: Hides a sum in a tooltip.
Navigator Displays the navigator as an additional element below the chart. It helps reduce a selection of data displayed in the chart.

Possible values:
On: Displays the navigator.
Off: Hides the navigator.
To learn more, see this guide.
Pagination Splits a table into pages.

Possible values:
On: Breaks the table in parts across pages.
Off: Displays the entire table.
Limit Sets the number of rows to export. This is also the number of rows displayed per page. This setting is available if the Pagination setting is enabled.
Grouping Displays unique field values.

Possible values:
On: Display unique values.
Off: Display all values.
Totals Displays a row with total values for table columns. Values in a row are calculated using the same formulas as aggregation in a measure.

Possible values:
On: Display the Total row.
Off: Hide the Total row.

Field settings

You can configure:

To open settings of a dimension or a measure, click the icon to the left of its name.


If you apply aggregation to a dimension, it will work as a measure, and the measure settings will become available.


Name Description
Name Sets a dimension name.
Type Sets the type of dimension data.
Grouping Sets the type of grouping or rounding. The setting is only available for dimensions of the Date and Date and time type.
Format Sets the format of how the values are displayed.
Date mode Sets the date display mode. This setting is only available for dimensions of the Date and Date and time type.

Possible values:
Continuous: Display all dates continuously.
Discrete: Display dates that contain values.
Aggregation Sets the aggregation type. For the aggregation functions available, see Data aggregation.


Name Description
Name Sets the measure name.
Type Sets the data type for measures.
This setting is not available for QL charts.
Aggregation Sets the aggregation type. Aggregation functions are available as shown in the Data aggregation table.
This setting is not available for QL charts.
Format Sets the format of how the values are displayed.
Decimal places Sets the number of characters displayed after the decimal point in a value.
This setting is not available for QL charts.
Display groups of thousands Allows you to display groups of thousands for numeric values.

Possible values:
With separator: Display spaces between groups of thousands.
Merged: Hide spaces between groups of thousands.
Prefix Sets a text displayed before a value.
Postfix Sets a text displayed after a value.
Data type Sets a rounding scale of values.

Section settings

To open section settings, click in a row with the section name.


Axis settings are only available for charts that have at least one X or Y axis:

  • Line chart.
  • Area chart (stacked and normalized).
  • Column chart (including a normalized column chart).
  • Bar chart (including a normalized bar chart).
  • Scatter chart.

You can configure settings for both the X and Y axes.


Some of these settings may not be available for some axes.

Name Description
Axis name Sets an axis label.

Possible values:
Auto: Uses a field name. If the section contains multiple fields, DataLens uses the name of the field specified first in the list.
Manually: Allows you to set an axis name manually in a text field.
Off: No axis label.
Grid Displays the grid on the chart.

Possible values:
On: Displays the grid.
Off: Hides the grid.
Grid increments, px Sets the grid increment in pixels.
This setting is available if the Grid setting is enabled.

Possible values:
Auto: Calculates the grid size automatically.
Manually: Allows you to set the grid size in pixels.
Hide labels Hides axis labels that refer to the field values.

Possible values:
Yes: Hides axis labels.
No: Displays axis labels.
Label appearance Sets the way the labels are displayed. This setting is available if the Hide labels setting is set to No.

Possible values:
Auto: Displays label values.
Horizontal: Displays label values horizontally.
Vertical: Displays label values vertically.
At angle: Displays label values at a 45-degree angle.
Empty displays (null) Sets the way of processing empty values.

Possible values:
Do not display: Does not display empty values in a chart.
Join: Joins values of fields that have empty values between them.
Display as 0: Displays empty values in charts as zero (0) field values.
Scaling Sets the scale of chart axes.

Possible values:
Auto: Sets the scale automatically. You can specify how DataLens sets the scale: from 0 to the maximum field value (Autoscale from 0 to max) or from the minimum to the maximum field values (Autoscale from min to max).
Manually: Allows you to set the axis scale manually. You can set the maximum and minimum values along the axis. DataLens will trim the chart lines by this value.
Axis type Sets the axis type. This setting is available if fields in the axis section are of the Fractional number type.

Possible values:
Linear: Sets a linear axis.
Logarithmic: Sets a logarithmic axis. Use it for charts with a large range of values. A logarithmic axis allows you to display a fast-growing graph in a convenient form for analysis, reducing values by an order of magnitude.


Generally, you can set a specific color for any graph value.

The following settings are available for a tree diagram, a table (including a pivot table), and a map:

Name Description
Gradient type Sets the number of colors used in a gradient.

Possible values:
Two-color: Sets two colors for a gradient.
Tri-color: Sets three colors for a gradient.
Color Sets a color for a value. Available colors depend on the gradient type.
Set threshold values Allows you to set threshold values that will refer to each color.
Borders Sets borders for geopolygons.

Possible values:
Show: Display geopolygon borders.
Hide: Hide geopolygon borders.

You can create color palettes and use them in your charts.


This setting displays a measure value on the chart.

Labels are available for the following charts types:

  • Line chart.
  • Area chart (stacked and normalized).
  • Column chart (including a normalized column chart).
  • Bar chart (including a normalized bar chart).
  • Pie chart.
  • Map.


Allows you to sort chart values by measure or dimension.

Sorting is available for the following chart types:

  • Line chart.
  • Area chart (stacked and normalized).
  • Column chart (including a normalized column chart).
  • Bar chart (including a normalized bar chart).
  • Pie chart.
  • Table (including a Pivot table).


These allow making a selection of values by dimension or measure.
Filters are available for all chart types.