Measure names and measure values

When you add a measure to a chart section, two auxiliary fields are added to the dataset field list: Measure names and Measure values. They are missing in the original dataset field list, as DataLens creates them automatically. The Measure names and Measure values fields are used to create charts with multiple measures.

Measure names is a dimension (a green field) that includes names of all measures in the chart. It is used to group chart values or show measure names as legends. For example, you can use Measure names to build a bar chart grouped by multiple measures or to label sectors in a pie chart.

Measure values is a measure (blue field) that includes values of all measures in the chart. It is used to label values of each measure. For example, you can use Measure values to label each line in a chart or each column in a bar chart.

Using measure names and measure values in charts

Let's see some examples of how to use Measure names and Measure values in charts.

Example 1

Create a pivot table with total sales across each product category by region.


Now, let's also use the table to show profit for each category and region. For this, drag the Profit field to Measures. The Measure names field will be added automatically to the Columns section. This way, you can group your chart by measure names.


You can edit grouping by table measure names. For this, drag the Measure names field to the Rows section.


Example 2

Let's use the graph to show monthly sales during a year.


Now let's add a second Y axis to show the profit.


Add labels with measure values to each line. The chart uses two measures, but you can only add one of them to the Labels section. To label each line in this case, add Measure values to Labels. Every line will be labeled by values of its measure.


Example 3

Compare the order count and average order value by region. Add the measures to the Y section to build a stacked bar chart. The Measure names field will be added automatically to the Colors section for grouping by measure name.


This is not the best way to compare measures, though. Showing an X axis grouped column chart would be a better idea. For this, drag the Measure names dimension to the X section.


To label each column with its measure name, add Measure values to the Labels section.



The following restrictions apply to the Measure names and Measure values fields:

  • You cannot use Measure names and Measure values to filter your chart.
  • You can use Measure values to sort data only in the Stacked area chart and Normalized area chart charts after you add Measure names to the Colors section.